W.L.R. - Weight Loss Review
Weight Loss and Muscle Building

LipoBIND - Fat blocker made from natural dried cactus extract. While reducing fat intake is certainly associated with dieting, it is also among the goals of those with perfectly healthy weights who take LipoBIND. Fat is one of the more dangerous elements of food and, though our bodies require a certain amount of it to function correctly, the amounts contained in many of the most popular dishes are far in excess of what's needed and what's healthy. Reducing this fat intake can have significant effects on one's overall health and, fortunately, this goal can be accomplished with the use of entirely natural ingredients which are safe for the vast majority of individuals.

LipoBIND is made out of cactus leaves. The substances contained in these leaves bind with fat. When the two merge, they create a sort of gel of dietary fiber and fat which is passed harmlessly from the body along with any other waste. This can reduce the amount of fat that one receives from their food by as much as 27 percent, according to the manufacturer's literature. There are other ways in which LipoBIND is designed to make losing weight easier and more convenient than it tends to be otherwise.

LipoBIND helps to control one's appetite. Most appetite problems are caused by sharp peaks and valleys in one's blood glucose levels. When the levels plummet, the body will demand food and this can make it exceedingly difficult for one to stick to their diet program. LipoBIND helps keep the body's glucose levels regular which allows individuals to enjoy the sensation of being satisfied by a meal for longer and reduces the risk of one indulging a bit too much when they become hungry and, thus, ruining all the work they put toward reducing their weight in the first place.

It is recommended that one takes a vitamin supplement along with LipoBIND. The company offers its own line of supplements to go along with their LipoBIND product. Because the substances in the supplement will bind with the vitamin, it's not recommended to take a dosage of LipoBIND for 2 hours after having taken one's vitamins. This supplement is taken after meals when the materials in LipoBIND can bind with what food is in the stomach and ensure that the total amount of fat intake is not absorbed by the body. This also helps the body digest more slowly, reducing further the rate at which hunger returns.

LipoBIND is used by some individuals as a means of maintaining their already healthy weight as well as by those who need to lose weight in the short term. When it's used as a preventative supplement, the dosages are a bit different and all of this information is detailed on the manufacturer's literature. There are ceiling amounts which should be taken in the course of a day and one should adhere to these recommendations to ensure the best results and to ensure their overall health. This supplement is not recommended for those who are currently pregnant or nursing.

more info at Weight Loss. True Story Blog

Psoriasis Drug Raptiva

Posted In: . By Tomas Grinkof

FDA Advises Public of Serious Adverse Event with Psoriasis Drug Raptiva

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today issued a public health advisory concerning three confirmed, and one possible report of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a rare brain infection, in patients using the psoriasis drug Raptiva (efalizumab). Three of those patients have died. All four patients were treated with the drug for more than three years. None of the patients were receiving other treatments that suppress the immune system.

The FDA is reviewing this latest information. The agency will take appropriate steps to:

  • ensure that the risks of Raptiva do not outweigh its benefits;
  • that patients prescribed Raptiva are clearly informed of the signs and symptoms of PML; and
  • that health care professionals carefully monitor patients for the possible development of PML.

PML is caused by a virus that affects the central nervous system. PML usually occurs in people whose immune systems have been severely weakened. It leads to an irreversible decline in neurologic function and death. Symptoms may include unusual weakness, loss of coordination, changes in vision, difficulty speaking and personality changes. There is no known effective prevention or treatment.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, for which a number of effective therapeutic options are available, including four other approved biologic agents, ultraviolent light therapy, and the drugs cyclosporine, acitretin, and methotrexate. Generally, treatment for psoriasis patients involves a rotation of therapies.

In October 2008, the product labeling for Raptiva was revised to highlight in a boxed warning the risks of life-threatening infections, including PML. At that time, the FDA directed Genentech, the manufacturer, to develop a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) to include a medication guide to educate patients about the drug’s risks.

The FDA strongly recommends that health care professionals carefully monitor patients on Raptiva, as well as those who have discontinued the drug, for any signs or symptoms of neurologic disease, and that they periodically reassess the benefits of continued treatment. Patients should be aware of the symptoms of PML and contact their health care professionals immediately if they experience any such symptoms.

Raptiva is a once-weekly injection approved for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis who are candidates for systemic (whole body) therapy or phototherapy. The drug works by suppressing T-cells (blood cells that help fight infection) in the immune system. These cells, when activated, migrate to the skin and cause inflammation which results in the red, inflamed and scaly patches of skin, which is associated with psoriasis. By suppressing T-cells, Raptiva decreases the function of the immune system which increases a patient’s susceptibility to infections.

Health care professionals and consumers may report serious adverse events (side effects) or product quality problems with the use of this product to the FDA's MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online, by regular mail, fax or phone.

--Online: www.fda.gov/MedWatch/report.htm
--Regular Mail: use postage-paid FDA form 3500 available at: www.fda.gov/MedWatch/getforms.htm and mail to MedWatch, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787
--Fax: (800) FDA-0178
--Phone: (800) FDA-1088

Read the FDA’s 2009 Public Health Advisory

Paid post

Posted In: . By Tomas Grinkof

This is a paid post for Russian Ladies:

Weight loss and make-up


By Tomas Grinkof

This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Safety Review of Xigris

Posted In: . By Tomas Grinkof

FDA Issues Early Communication about a Safety Review of Xigris

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced that it is working with the maker of Xigris (drotrecogin alfa activated), Eli Lilly and Company, to further evaluate the incidence of serious bleeding events and death in patients who receive Xigris, a drug used to treat severe sepsis (a blood stream infection).

A recent study and an accompanying editorial published in the journal Critical Care Medicine reported an increased risk of serious bleeding events and death in patients with sepsis and baseline bleeding risk factors who received Xigris. The study, a retrospective review of medical records of 73 patients who were treated with Xigris, found that serious bleeding events occurred in seven of 20 patients (35 percent) who had a bleeding risk factor versus two of 53 (3.8 percent) of patients without any bleeding risk factors. More patients with baseline bleeding risk factors died (13 of 20, or 65 percent) compared with patients without any bleeding risk factors (13 of 53, or 24.5 percent). As noted by the authors, limitations of this study include the retrospective design (looking back at events that already have taken place) and small patient population.

Xigris is known to increase the risk of bleeding. The drug’s current prescribing information (labeling) includes a warning that describes bleeding as the most common serious adverse effect and lists a number of risk factors that should be carefully considered when deciding whether to use Xigris. The labeling contraindicates the use of Xigris in several clinical situations where bleeding could lead to significant adverse reactions or death.

The FDA is not recommending that prescribers stop administering this medication. Consumers and health care professionals should notify the FDA of any complaints or problems associated with this product. These reports may be made to MedWatch, the FDA’s voluntary reporting program, by calling 800-FDA-1088, or electronically at www.fda.gov/medwatch/report.htm.

The FDA uses a variety of tools to communicate important and sometimes emerging drug safety information. Early Communications mean that the FDA has begun an ongoing safety review about an important drug safety issue that has not yet been fully analyzed or confirmed by the agency. The FDA will announce its conclusions and any resulting recommendations to the public when the review of Xigris is completed, which may take several months.

The full Early Communication can be found here: http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/early_comm/drotrecogin_alfa.html

XXI Century - the world of slim and different diets - a way to join the elite. However, not all dietary methods are so good and safe, as they say.
How to determine nutritional fraud
Offering a truly magical results, the new diet appears every week. There is more. There are smaller. Fat - is the enemy. Carbohydrates - are evil. Consumption of large quantities of water - the path to weight loss. Such demands are forced by surprise even knowledgeable consumers. As a result, it is an easy way for fraudsters podlovit trusting customers and sell them to the promised miracle. Before you can use another promising diet, we suggest you familiarize yourself with a few tips that will not allow you to be cheated.

Clear 26 lbs in 30 days!
Beware of diets that promise significant weight loss in a short period of time. Instant weight loss - not really!

Weight loss is based on a balance of positive emotions, exercise and diet. The most realistic figure, with the loss of weight - 1.5 - 3 lbs per week.

Another danger signal - diets that promise weight loss compulsory. Weight loss does not have guarantees, as well as depends on many factors.

Diets based on cabbage soup
Diets based on the consumption of certain product groups (eg, cabbage diet, grapefruit diet or a diet product) is not only dangerous, but are unrealistic for a long period.

Diet, focusing on a particular form of food can lead to malnutrition. Diet based on cabbage soup, for example, leads to a drastic reduction in consumption of protein and other nutrients necessary for your body.

The secret to losing weight
Some diet, who argue that taking the "secret" weight loss, only one really kept secrets - how to exhaust your wallet, or vital energy. There is no "magic methods, which contributes a large weight loss.
There is no 'secret' miracle weight loss treatment method ... just do not work.

The same can be said about the diet requires that you be specific devices, such as belts and massage devices, which are in fact not provide the promised results. Instead of blindly copying and using such «magic» tools and techniques, just a little change their habits, and be honest with themselves about the effort.

Radical calorie restriction and weight loss
Diets that restrict excessive calorie intake can lead to poor health.

All diet programs are based on reducing calorie intake (even such well-known as the Atkins diet). Here it is necessary to respect the fundamental rights, determine the limit, which does not lead to poor health. Be aware that a diet that imply the consumption of less than 900 calories - are dangerous from a medical point of view.

There are health-monitored program (for example, Valens) with a sharp reduction calorie level, but remain with the safety and efficacy. But, remember, all should be the measure.

Also remember that some low-calorie diet will give instant results, but you will lose the water, but not fat.

"Folk" dietary program
Programs that do not have sponsors, which can be reached at the consultations - are doubtful. Reasonable program must have developers who are responsible for their promises.

Nevertheless, even knowing who developed the method still does not mean that the person or persons competent in matters of weight loss, especially if you have health problems. Need to consult with your doctor or other skilled medical professionals before you use a diet, especially if you have any contraindications.

And, of course, you will reach the maximum of success if they attach maximum efforts.

Diet pills - all you need
Diets that require you to use special pills or supplements, as part of the program, aimed at making a profit, rather than weight loss.

Existing drugs for the management and control weight, which passed the clinical trials, require medical prescription. The drugs are not sold in pharmacies, can help with weight loss, but the results are usually small and time.

You will lose weight, eating one slice of toast a day less and think that this is all due to pill. Also remember that supplements and pills that promote weight loss, artificially stimulate the metabolism, increasing the frequency of heart rate artificially. They can not only upset the balance of the body, but also to resume the weight loss only in case of continuous use.

It sounds too good to be true ...
And, finally, to show once more vigilant when you hear the phrase "fast results". Weight loss requires time, there is a reasonable and safe way to get quick results. In addition, a description of any techniques or nutritional products for weight loss is usually always better, that it really is.

Losing weight is simply a matter of expending more calories than you take in, through exercise and your daily activities. To win the battle, it helps to know how many calories you are consuming in a day. For some individuals, this is an understatement. The question is, do you ever feel a little heavy?

We all know, that there are more ways to lose weight fast, but not all quick weight loss diet use healthy methods. Low carbohydrate, high protein diets are quite popular because people have achieved dramatic weight loss results with these diets. Eventually, we heard about Atkins Diet and other low-carb diets and know someone that is on it or has tried it. These diets are fairly easy to follow and guarantee you’ll lose pounds and inches fast, without hunger pangs and cravings. A low-carb, high-protein diet also helps you lose weight while bringing your cholesterol, triglycerides, and body fat down to a healthy level.

Well, refined sugar, starches, and and carbohydrates are initially eliminated from the diet, such as sugar, while rice, pasta, white bread, and crackers, which are eventually replaced with fiber-rich fresh fruit and vegetables, brown rice, and whole wheat flour. Diet is restricted to lean meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, low-fat cheese, and vegetables the first two weeks, followed by the re-introduction of fruits, whole grains, and dairy. Every diet is a bit different, but this is the general idea.

Nowadays, many of us feel overweight. It's time to take charge of your weight. It's time to get back the figure you once felt great about. What you need is a quick weight loss diet. When I say quick weight loss diet, I don't mean something unhealthy or damaging to your health overall. This is the last thing you want. However, you can drop those extra pounds if you're willing to put forth the effort. In the end, I tell you; it will be worth it. The last thing you want is to be overweight. This affliction can come with some serious health risks. Are you ready to get started?

If you have tried a number of diets, but they never seem to work? Well, maybe it's time to consult a professional. A personal trainer and a nutritionist can do wonders for your figure. All you need to do is to adopt that diet and fitness regime that works particularly for your body. You see, we are all different and have different needs. This means that you may want to focus on different areas of your body than your best friend. In our society today, one of the key problems is mentality. No one wants to work for anything. Well, while you certainly can find a quick weight loss diet, you might as well expect to fork out some effort. How bad do you want to look nice and be healthy? I watched my close friend struggle with his weight for years. Nonetheless, his main problem concerned his tenacity. A quick weight loss diet will not prove successful without a devoted individual. Eating healthy and exercising regularly are still the prime factors when it comes to dropping unwanted pounds.

Apparently, it is good to know the secrets of a good quick weight loss diet, which includes lean proteins, green vegetables, healthy nuts and fats, and supplements, in addition to adequate water intake. Diets work best if meals and snacks are divided into six small meals a day instead of three major meals. And let’s not forget exercise, the most important part of any weight loss plan. Remember that it’s important to check with your physician if you have a substantial amount of weight to lose, if you have any type of health condition, and/or you do not exercise on a regular basis or are sedentary. Be informed and get in tune with your body to get the best possible results. To learn more about quick weight loss diets plans and diet supplements, subscribe to our news.

As a quick question, did you ever browse on the web? Well, if not then I suggest you to start. The Internet is loaded with fitness regimes and nutritional information to suit any individual. That quick weight loss diet is most likely lingering in cyberspace, just waiting for you to take a gander. Believe me, those extra pounds that you wish to cast off so badly, can be thrown-away with the proper diet and exercise routine. It basically comes down to how bad you want it. The information is at your fingertips, folks. It's time to take advantage of it.

In fact, several people don't like diet but everyone wants to lose weight as fast as they can. Luckily, it doesn’t come off as easy as it went on, and there are lots of healthy and non-healthy approaches to dieting out there. According to the American Heart Association, the only sensible way to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight permanently is to eat less, and balance your food intake with physical activity, which is important for both cardiovascular health and physical appearance.

As talk about previously, a healthy diet is one rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. The American Heart Association encourages using safe and proven approaches to weight loss and maintenance for a life time of good health. Quick weight loss diets will help you lose weight, just remember to do it right, the healthy way.

Finally, if you want to lose weight effectively, you need to stick to your weight loss plan religiously so as to see results. When you have the thought of giving up, visualize how good you will look when you manage to slim down successfully.

Author Crizza Reyes

Body Building Supplements

– Way to a Great Body

Bodybuilding is a mental state that people can achieve over self discipline of many months. Quite contrary to this, people want to achieve a great built body in a very short period without putting much effort to it. Men are under a perception that they have to look good and only well-built bodies with enhanced muscles can help them achieve this. Looking good and having a well-built body, both are very important for Gen X. People may build bodies with some light exercises or heavy weight training, which are done more by professional bodybuilders.

Supplements, which are now available in the market, are of two types. They are food and dietary supplements. Though, it sounds similar, yet the two supplements are different from each other and function differently. However, the supplements should only be taken under a medical guidance, since there are a number of supplements available in the market with similar names and different functions. They contain many ingredients which are harmful to the body or which may not address the specific needs of your body. Specially avoided should be those supplements, which contain artificial ingredients or steroids. Purchasing an expensive supplement may not be a welcoming option, instead try to understand the needs of your body and take medical guidance before going for body building supplements.

There are several bodybuilding steroids which have severe reactions on the liver and kidney, so one must make sure that the steroids one is consuming is not of an high intensity variety. If someone is interested in low intensity body building, they should go for dietary supplements since they can help your body have enhanced muscles without having too much side effects. Creatine is a burning example of such a dietary bodybuilding supplement without any steroids. Even medicine companies provide dietary supplements free from steroids. They make up for the shortage of vitamin in the body and makes one healthy and fit. You will always feel alert and active after taking these kind of dietary or food supplements.

Before taking a dietary supplement, ask an expert to recommend one for you, which will address specific requirements of your body. If you want to know more, you can read reviews, which are available in plenty online. You can also ask medicine stores for their opinion and study the supplements literature carefully to understand the pros and cons of taking a dietary supplement required for enhancing muscle mass and building a great body.

Summer heat and summer clothes revealing imposes very strongly to any of the diet. But be careful, rapid weight loss, based on the slimming mean for your body a great threat. Although you may feel hunger-strike and strict slimming diet as the fastest way to perfect body, try to resist. The ideal body weight and the molding of you, according to experts, will help only sensible diet and regular selected motion activities. Lose weight for health?

Do not be guaranteed to convince and effective diet, which over the next few days promise to comply several kilograms. When you stand on the weight, find that two or three kilos disappeared, but it's only loss of body fluids, or the decline of muscle mass. The body is fat or not affected, the eye as you watch the head. Practice must be

If slimming this way, you threaten that they raise cholesterol and even you will have problems with blood pressure. Unfortunately, the only restriction diets do not, it is necessary to balance the movement. Muscles are good ...

For each child that you hold, you should practice. Prevent, loss of muscle mass, which is extremely important to you. The more muscle you have, the more energy we consume. This is deceit many subsistence. The body was under the influence of a smaller supply of energy trying to rid all that absorbs energy, and these are the muscles glutton. Therefore, anyone who wants to lose weight healthy and effective, should be steel for the top round dose of patience and its slimming program should be set to slow the pace.

Author Sofia from Serbia

Successful build muscles

Posted In: . By Tomas Grinkof

In the mass phase is the food of at least 80% of the success involved. To illustrate, we lead a simple example in mind: We want to build a big house. The workers we are. But if we do not have material, how do we build a house? The building is our food.

What does this mean?
Our body needs construction material. For the muscle protein. And the energy for muscle. Our bodies need at least as many calories to be as it appears to the building of new muscle cells. To be on the safe side, should be in the construction phase have excess calories. Caution: Use only in conjunction with training. Otherwise you will be thick.

How can I, how many calories I need to increase?
In practice this has proved:
2g per kg body weight of protein per day. In addition, about 500 kcal more than otherwise required. How many calories you normally need is difficult to ascertain. It also added more training, making it even more calories are needed. A small clue: your own body weight at 35 and then multiply by 500 kcal added. What is crucial is how your body changes. If you fast growth of fat, reduced calorie intake, because the body is only a small surplus of calories needed.

Here's an example:
A man needs 80kg heavier thus:
80 * 35 = 2800 kcal per day + 500kcal so 3300kcal.

Of these, 80 * 2 = 160g protein. One gram of protein supplies 4 kcal (one also grams carbohydrates, fat provides 9 kcal per g) That means the 160 grams of protein supply 640 kcal.

In addition, approximately 20% of calories supplied by fat. 20 % von 3100kcal sind 620kcal. 20% of 3100kcal are 620kcal.

The lack of supply of calories ie carbohydrates, also 3100 - 640 - 620 = 1840. So 3100 - 640 - 620 = 1840. 1840 / 4 = 460. 1840 / 4 = 460. 460 g carbohydrates therefore provide the missing calories.

This is the framework for the construction phase. If you then realize that their fast fat, respectively, you need to eat less, if you do not weight, respectively, then you should eat more.

Category: Health

The healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets nor bursts of exercise. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise. Well, getting back into shape is one very popular resolution. With winter approaching many people go into hibernation mode over the holidays only to realize that they’ve packed on a few pounds once January rolls around.

Nowadays, many people today are overweight, while a sizable number are categorized as obese. The majority of overweight people want to lose weight and want a sensible approach, using dietary changes and some form of exercise to achieve their goal. If you are looking for a healthy way to lose weight consider that you are going to need not only a diet change but a lifestyle change as well.

In fact, each day it seems that we are shown a new and effective way to get scraggy promptly. On television and in magazines there are myriad advertisements for pills and programs that guarantee amazing results. The real problem with many of these products and plans is that they are almost impossible to follow for any length of time. A healthy way to lose weight needs to include a balanced diet along with exercise. This will result in lasting results. An effective and healthy way to lose weight should consist of a loss of a pound or two a week.

Hence, there are dozens of programs that sell boxed foods in precise portions yielding just so many calories and low in fat. As well as exercise programs, machines, belts, gyms, supplements. Apparently, since these products and services are booming, people want to lose weight and realize healthy foods are better for them. People also know exercise burns calories. So it sure enough that it can makes sense to practice these principles in order to succeed.

But, aside from this the trouble is, with so many food programs expressing one diet component over others, such as the “low carb” diet, “high fiber” it's difficult to know which is best for you. Ditto for exercise programs. How can you determine a healthy way to lose weight that works for you?

They say that, what you eat is incredibly important when you are trying to shrink your waistline. There are certain foods that you’ll need to exclude from your diet. Anything that contains fat should be taken out of your menu plans. Instead turn to fruits and vegetables, lean meats and low fat dairy products as the staples of your meals. You should remember first, the bottom line is calories. A healthy way to lose weight requires that your food choices contain the scope of nutrients required for good health with sufficient calories to allow you to lose weight slowly. Losing weight too instantly is stressful on your heart, may result in sagging skin, and typically does not lead to a permanent loss.

As far as you are concerned on what you eat, getting up and moving more is also a key to getting into shape. For someone who hasn’t been active this can prove even more challenging than changing your eating habits. However a healthy way to lose weight definitely calls for some form of exercise.

You should consider your age, state of health, and general tone of muscle when choosing forms of exercise. If you've got arthritis, jogging probably isn't your best choice. Aerobic or Pilates exercises may work best for you. Bicycling and swimming use almost every muscle in your body and so are among the most beneficial in a program of a healthy way to lose weight. It's essential that you choose something you enjoy. If it's not enjoyable, you won't keep up with it and be more likely to give up on the entire effort.

One of the best exercise to consider is walking because it can be an easy and inexpensive way to get your heart rate up and burn calories. You can start with a few minutes a day and work your way up to thirty minutes, three or four times a week. When the weather isn’t cooperative hitting the gym for some time on the treadmill will keep you on the path to lose weight.

Another one here is willpower that seems to be something that many people want. This is especially true if you happen to frequent fast food restaurants or enjoy a candy bar every now and again. It’s a good idea to remember that not only will you look fantastic but you’ll be healthier as well once the extra pounds are gone. Despite the fact that, this is important to you, when you use a healthy way to lose weight your family will thank you for it. Use their love as your willpower.

Fortunately, before set about on any diet and exercise program, make a visit with your physician to be sure you're on the right track for your particular condition. Get your doctor's opinion on the number of calories you propose, the amount of weight you want to lose and your time frame. Your doctor can review foods you may want to avoid due to medical conditions. Armed with a customized program of your healthy way to lose weight, you're very likely to succeed.

It may seem like these are problems to worry about in the future, but time flies by and tomorrow becomes today. By keeping your weight in the healthy range, you are less likely to be troubled by illnesses in your later years.

FDA Alerts Public about Danger of Skin Numbing Products

Serious and life-threatening risks associated with improper use

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today issued a Public Health Advisory to alert consumers, patients, health care professionals, and caregivers about potentially serious and life-threatening side effects from the improper use of skin numbing products. The products, also known as topical anesthetics, are available in over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription forms.

Skin numbing products are used to desensitize nerve endings that lie near the surface of the skin, causing a numbness of the skin. These topical anesthetics contain anesthetic drugs such as lidocaine, tetracaine, benzocaine, and prilocaine in a cream, ointment, or gel. When applied to the skin surface, they can be absorbed into the blood stream and, if used improperly, may cause life-threatening side effects, such as irregular heartbeat, seizures, breathing difficulties, coma, or even death. FDA has received reports of adverse events and deaths of two women who used topical anesthetics before laser hair removal. In February 2007, the FDA issued a Public Health Advisory - “Life-Threatening Side Effects with the Use of Skin Products containing Numbing Ingredients for Cosmetic Procedures,” to warn consumers about these products.

Patients for whom an over-the-counter or prescription topical anesthetic is recommended should consider using a topical anesthetic that contains the lowest amount possible of medication that will relieve your pain. Also, health care professionals should determine whether adequate pain relief can be safely achieved with a topical anesthetic, or whether a different treatment would be more appropriate.

The FDA strongly advises consumers not to:

make heavy application of topical anesthetic products over large areas of skin;
use formulations that are stronger or more concentrated than necessary;
apply these products to irritated or broken skin;
wrap the treated skin with plastic wrap or other dressings; and
apply heat from a heating pad to skin treated with these products.
When skin temperature increases, the amount of anesthetic reaching the blood stream is unpredictable and the risk of life-threatening side effects increases with greater amounts of lidocaine in the blood.

A recently published study in Radiology looked at women taking acetaminophen and ibuprofen by mouth versus applying lidocaine gel, a topical anesthetic, to the skin to decrease discomfort during mammography. The lidocaine gel was applied to a wide skin surface area and then covered with plastic wrap. There were no serious or life-threatening side effects reported in the study, nor were any reported when FDA discussed the results with the doctor who performed the study. The study results favored the use of lidocaine as there was significantly less discomfort than with the plain gel or oral acetaminophen or ibuprofen. However, given the life-threatening side effects associated with the use of topical anesthetics during laser hair removal, FDA is concerned that similar side effects could occur when topical anesthetics are used during mammography. Further, the study was small and it is possible that a larger study might show different findings.
Patients should talk with their health care professional if they are considering using a topical anesthetic before a mammogram. The following summarizes advice for patients if a topical anesthetic is recommended for their use:

use a topical anesthetic that contains the lowest strength, and amount, of medication that will relieve the pain;
apply the topical anesthetic sparingly and only to the area where pain exists or is expected to occur;
do not apply the topical anesthetic to broken or irritated skin;
ask their healthcare professional what side effects are possible and how to lower their chance of having life-threatening side effects from anesthetic drugs; and
be aware that wrapping or covering the skin treated with topical anesthetics with any type of material or dressing can increase the chance of serious side effects, as can applying heat to the treated area while the medication is still present.

Consumers and health care professionals may report adverse events to the FDA's MedWatch program at 800-FDA-1088, by mail at MedWatch, HF-2, FDA, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Md 20852-9787, or online at Report FDA.

To read the FDA’s 2009 Public Health Advisory, click here

To read the FDA’s 2007 Public Health Advisory, click here

Muscle Advance Sports Nutrition

Posted In: . By Tomas Grinkof

Looking for high-quality protein supplements to pump up your body-building routine?

Sponsored by: Muscle Advance (Sports Nutrition)

“I’m 27 years old and still have the stamina I had in high school. I’ve used whey protein isolate as part of a high protein muscle-building diet for years!

Today I can haul 40 lbs of decoys and a heavy gun case, plus control my 80 lb hunting dog across several miles of knee-deep marsh and still have energy to burn while everyone else is bent over sucking wind.”

Jerry S.

Dover, DE

Let’s face it. To build lean muscle and shred fat, a healthy diet rich in protein is an important part of your cardio and weight routine. And the harder you lift and work out, the more you need to replenish those proteins quickly, which is why the quality of your protein is important.

Whey protein isolate is the most pure and concentrated form of protein available—and is more quickly metabolized by muscle tissue than other forms, which makes it an essential part of any muscle-building program.

And when you’re pounding protein, you want to get in as much as possible—that’s why our Muscle Advance Low Carb and Muscle Advance Weight Gainer Formulas pack it on—each has over 50g of muscle-building protein per serving! Plus a unique, power-packed lineup of ingredients that support your muscle building routine.

Muscle Advance can help you achieve that rock-hard, lean body you’re working for—so you can look great, feel great, and perform at your best.

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Posted In: . By Tomas Grinkof

Crucial for an efficient muscles are a good training and proper nutrition. The diet is important, because the only body with sufficient nutrients to the training response. At training days can be a little more than eat, according to table calories recommended. Directly after training should be an extra dose of sugar to eat. Perhaps cocoa beverage powder, or appropriate. But dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins and trace elements may not be missing.
But not only on the food that counts. Also plenty of fluids is very important. This means that the nutrients quickly transported to the muscle cells. This one could still say that you never can be too much to drink, but too little. Training is important in that it not lead to an over-training is. That means that we must especially at the beginning not too much training. The motto "The more the better" true in this case is absolutely not.
When training will be distributed by the body hormones. But not in depending with the training time, but depending on the training intensity. With as much work in the shortest possible time to reach the best results. It is thus not the training but the work done. After about 45 minutes muscle training is the Maximum achieved. By hormones in the body to reach the opposite when longer trains.
So the time is always respected, and try to minimize the time to create as much as possible. And the food (as described) in any case the muscle forgotten.

Weight loss plan 90/10

Posted In: , . By Tomas Grinkof

This is a low in calories and saturated fat and high in fiber, antioxidants and phytochemicals. The title refers to the idea of eating healthy 90% of the time, while the other 10% you can have "fun foods".

In this plan of 14 days, which can be repeated until the desired weight is thinner by restricting calorie intake between 1200 and 1600, according to their current weight and activity level. 90% of calories should come from the menus that are provided, and the remaining 10% of a list of "fun foods".

The program is based on the control of rations and by allowing food often seems encourages eating in moderate amounts. Physical activity is an important component to losing weight and not to retrieve it.

The author, Joy Bauer, says that you can lose up to 4.5 kg. in the first two weeks, but acknowledges that, in general, much of that weight loss is water loss.

The plan of 90/10 weight loss, one remains a daily menu that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Every day one of a select foods that are fun to eat at any time. If you follow the menus, calorie counting is not necessary, but it is the range of calories for each food in case you can not follow the menu that is provided. The plan offers menus for 14 days, but there are additional menus for variety.

Suggests multivitamins and calcium supplements, and the plan encourages you to drink enough water, coffee, tea and carbonated water. Before starting the diet, the author suggests taking a picture of 'before' and note the sizes of clothing and body measurements, and whether it is possible to measure body fat. Recommends that this be repeated two weeks later, so you can check the progress.

While replacing some of the dinner plans, this program can become monotonous, the program of 1200 calories per day is too restrictive, and few can continue successfully for long periods.

FDA Launches Pilot Program

Posted In: . By Tomas Grinkof

FDA Launches Pilot Program To Improve the Safety of Drugs and Active Drug Ingredients Produced Outside the United States
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced the launch of a voluntary pilot program that would help promote the safety of drugs and active drug ingredients produced outside the United States.

The FDA plans to select 100 applicants to participate in the Secure Supply Chain pilot program. To qualify, applicants will need to meet the pilot program's criteria, including a requirement that they maintain control over the drug products from the time of manufacture through entry into the country.

The goal of the pilot is to allow FDA to determine the practicality of developing a secure supply chain program. Such a program would assist the agency in its efforts to prevent the importation of drugs that do not comply with applicable FDA requirements by allowing the agency to focus its resources on foreign-produced drugs that fall outside the program and that may not be compliant. It will also expedite the entry of products meeting the pilot's criteria into the United States. The pilot was developed with input from U.S. Customs and Border Protection and other stakeholders. Information about the pilot appears in a Federal Register notice that went on display today.

"This initiative creates incentives for drug makers to develop and maintain secure supply chains," said Deborah Autor, Director of the Office of Compliance in FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. "This is one of several agency initiatives to enhance drug product safety."

Each applicant may designate up to five drugs for selection in the pilot program. To qualify, applicants will need to meet the pilot's criteria, including a requirement that they maintain control over the drugs from the time of manufacture through entry into the United States. A secure supply chain will help mitigate risks such as contamination and counterfeiting. Applications for participation in the pilot program will be processed in the order received.

"With the increase of drug products produced outside the United States, it is critical that the FDA concentrate its resources on companies that pose the highest risk of importing products that don't meet the FDA's standards and violate U.S. laws," said Michael Chappell, acting Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs at FDA. "Consumers should know that only companies that maintain control over their products will be selected into this pilot program."

Companies wishing to participate in the two year pilot program must meet certain criteria, including:

  • For finished drug products, the applicant must hold an FDA-approved drug application or must be the foreign manufacturer identified in an FDA-approved application;
  • The active pharmaceutical ingredients imported must be used only to make FDA‑approved drugs;
  • Foreign drug manufacturers and U.S. establishments receiving drugs must be FDA-registered and comply with Good Manufacturing Practices; and
  • Applicants must show that their drug products use a secure supply chain.

The pilot program is planned to run for a period of two years.

To view the application for the program: http://www.fda.gov/cder/fedreg/fda-3676.pdf

To view the displayed federal register notice: http://www.fda.gov/OHRMS/DOCKETS/98fr/FDA-2008-N-0656-N.pdf

The Stone Age diet consists of fruits, vegetables and a lot of fish and meat
The modern humans were advised decades, less fat and more carbohydrates to eat। The success is that the population is getting fatter and is sick. What food for the people is healthy, is in his genes fixed. The human organism is on animal fat and protein. Only with the Industrial Revolution were easily digestible carbohydrates for everyone at affordable prices.
It was not until about a hundred years, the proportion of highly processed food and sweet again strongly. The thirst is now mostly with soft drinks or beer instead of water fed. 45, 50 or 60 percent carbohydrates are wonderful for athletes, but for poor people are moving in carbohydrates such magnitude a huge problem. The decomposition of the carbohydrate sugar chains begins in the mouth.
If the sugar on the intestine into the blood arrives, pours the pancreas of the hormone insulin. His task is to about sugar the body to prevent. Insulin docks at the cell wall and begin immediately so that the sugar molecules from the blood into the cell to smuggle. There is the sugar used for energy. Is there more sugar than the body needs, the sugar is converted into fat, because it is so for the body is easier to store.
That's why carbohydrates thick. Furthermore, after a short time again cravings, because the insulin levels constantly goes up, which causes the blood sugar after a short time under the normal value declines. Harvard University has launched a new food pyramid designed for fruit, starch-free vegetables and healthy much oil should form the base. This is followed by dairy products, lean meat and fish, eggs, nuts and legumes. From these foods you can eat as much as you want.
Only on the third stage are whole grain products like pasta and rice, which is not so much to be able to undertake. Least is processed cereals, white flour, potatoes and sweet recommended. Even the exploration of modern hunter-gatherer societies show that a low carbohydrate diet seems to be the natural nutrition of the people. Modern civilization symptoms such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease in these cultures are unknown.

The hardest part of the beginning of a diet is that we all want to see results, and this is where the cabbage soup diet is ideal, it only takes one week and it knocks weight fast!
If you have not already done so, you can then to a different diet and lose weight For a slower pace. Whenever you need to lose weight quickly go back to the cabbage soup diet.
There is no better way to achieve rapid weight loss than the cabbage soup diet. If you do not like cabbage do not worry health shops sell it in pill form and so it is suitable for all.

Low Calorie

The cabbage soup diet doesn 't have many calories, but allows people to lose weight because they are usually not into temptation to eat. The soup as a filler, and make sure that the dieter is not hunger pangs or the feeling of hunger.
Due to the low amount of calories consumed by the body, according to the dieter cabbage soup diet may be a few side effects.
These range from a feeling of weak or frivolous but generally most people do not feel too bad and its easy to stay, because you know it's only for a week.
The cabbage soup diet should only be for one week, followed - it is not adjusted, as a continuous and nutrition should be breaks between its use, but as fast weight loss program is unmatched.

Here is a recipe for cabbage soup diet, if you choose not to take it in pill form:

Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe
  • 6 Large Green Onions
  • 2 Green Peppers
  • 1-2 Cans Gewuerfeltes tomatoes
  • 1 bunch of celery
  • 1 package Lipton Onion Soup Mix (or other brand)
  • 1 -2 of bouillon cubes (if desired)
  • 1 cabbage head

Making the soup
1) Cut the vegetables into the pot with water, you can also use V-8-juice.
2) Boil the ingredients for a quick 10 minutes.
3) Simmer and cook the cabbage soup until all the vegetables are tender.
4) The season of the cabbage soup with salt, pepper, garlic powder, parsley, spices or whatever you want. When looking for the cabbage soup diet, you should be aware of some of the details.

The diet must be followed exactly!

The cabbage soup diet will only work if it follows exactly as it is defined, it means no deviation from the format
Day 1
Eat all the fruits you want, with the exception of bananas. You can eat only cabbage soup and fruit preparations for the first few days. You can drink unsweetened tea, cranberry juice and water.
Day 2
You can eat, all fresh, raw or cooked vegetables that you want. Remember that green green vegetables are preferable, and you should avoid dry beans, peas and corn. Fruit is not allowed.
Day 3
You can all eat the soup you want, and fruit and vegetables.
Day 4
Food should be as many eight bananas and drink, how many glasses of skim milk. You should always eat the cabbage soup.This day is to suppress your desire for sweets.
Day 5
Eating 10-20 ounces of beef and up to six fresh tomatoes. They should also drink at least 6-8 glasses of water to flush the uric acid in your body. You should have at least a bowl of cabbage soup. If you do not like beef, you can download it for the skin, fried chicken.
Day 6
Bring just beef and vegetables. You can eat everything, beef and vegetables you want, and at least one bowl of cabbage soup.
Day 7
You can eat as much, brown rice, vegetables and unsweetened fruit juices as you want, and at least one bowl of cabbage. There is no better way to jump start any weight loss program involving the cabbage soup diet weight loss in your program and watch the pounds melt faster.

More information On the other reasonable way and to lose weight, general nutritional advice, visit our website for articles and features downloads: Weight Loss Review

Weight Loss Question`s

Posted In: . By Tomas Grinkof

1. How to deal with obesity?

It should be understood that the radical and permanent treatment of obesity is difficult because it must change its behavior and attitude of the individual against the food. The solution to this problem is by adopting a balanced diet combined with increased physical activity. Excessive reduce excessive caloric intake or increased energy consumption inevitably fail in the effort. We need young and steady progress towards the desired goal, that the success and long-term outcome could be guaranteed.

2. How many calories we need to take daily at my expense?
Everyone needs a basic amount of calories regardless of physical activity to maintain the basic bodily functions (heart function, brain function, etc.). This amount is for women: 700 Kcal + 7 on body weight (eg for 60 Kg (132 lb) : 700 +7 ∙ 60 = 1120 Kcal) for men: 900 Kcal + 7 on body weight (eg for 80 Kg (176 lb) : 900 +7 ∙ 80 = 1460 Kcal) This amount of calories you should increase by 20%, 40% and 80% for low, moderate and severe muscle activity respectively.

3. How many pounds is allowed to lose each month?
In moderate obesity (approximately 1 Kg (2 lb) week). You should know that in order to «go» 1 Kg fat from the body should be a negative balance of about 7000 Kcal (1 kgr fat = 7000 Kcal). So to shed fat 1 Kg one week should be daily balance is negative by about 900 to 1000 Kcal.

4. Why not make enough effort to eat less to lose several pounds in a month?
It sounds as though it's easy, it is quite difficult for someone to lose more than 1 Kg week (ie 4 Kg per month), not affected the rest of his life from weakness and hunger that feels. And when we talk about weight loss 1 Kg week 1 Kg mean fat loss, not just liquid, which will coexist with diets.

5. That applies to any weight loss effort body reacts and reduces the basic metabolism, leading the effort to weight loss is difficult;
Indeed, when the body is used in abundance incoming food and energy, difficult to adapt to food restriction. The powerful autonomous survival reflexes of neuroendocrine system activated and send alarm signals, putting the body in readiness for immediate food intake. In short, your body thinks that there is no food in the environment and begin to reduce waste of energy to cope. For this reason, the hunger can be very pronounced in people who are accustomed to increased food intake. Another important feature of this reduction in metabolism is the fact that after some initial loss kg body stops losing pounds and further reducing caloric intake in order to continue losing weight.

6. The exercise of whether it helps in weight loss?
The aerobic exercise 3 times a week, depending on the state of health and depending on the age of the individual, help significantly to weight loss. This is done both through the growth of energy consumption and increasing the negative balance of daily calories, but also through other effects of exercise on the body. For example, exercise improves the availability of the individual, but also reduces appetite and hypoglycaemia observed several people with obesity problem.

By: Wendy Gorman
Reduce body fat may be of benefit to most people by reducing the many intrinsic or potential health problems.Besides looking better after losing weight, good weight loss plans will ensure that your overall health and well-being will be much better.

One obvious cause for concern could Diabetes and health problems. Special diabetic food plans for weight loss are generally available and are good at addressing the needs of people suffering from the disease.

It is not widely known that diabetes is a major cause of kidney disease and may be a significant contributor to the onset of full or partial blindness. Top weight loss plans can usually be easily adapt style a diabetic diet should the disease has already evolved into an active state, while for others, general weight loss eating plan will help avert the consequent health problems.

Diabetes leads to a 400% increase in the chance of suffering a stroke while contributing to a chance of getting heart disease. Thus people who are overweight risking a double whammy of the first to develop diabetes and then suffer the secondary effects of additional risk. A reasonable person might therefore decide to follow the eating diet plans, while still in good overall health, so he / she is not forced to compare weight loss plans, when it is too late.

Overweight people are very likely that high levels of blood cholesterol and higher blood pressure readings. Lose some weight maybe remedy this situation, but starting new weight loss plans in these circumstances is best done in consultation with your doctor.

Whatever your age, you can achieve significant forbedringi your health and reduce the risk of ill health in later life, by taking immediate steps to participate in one of the many eating plans for weight loss that are currently available.

Did you know that if you are overweight, it is more likely that you snore at night than the one that is at a higher fitness level than you? This is because fatty tissue at the back of the throat block the normal air passage, resulting in restless sleep and reduced energy levels. This clearly has social consequences, but more significantly may reduce your overall well-being during the day. The problem can be reduced significantly by following one of the nutritional diet plans, both to help you lose weight and to maintain proper vitamin levels.

Using such weight loss diet plans to reduce even a small amount of body fat should provide a significant reduction in the tendency to snore and produce more energy as a result of more and better sleep.

Anyone who starts a diet, his weight will probably as fast as possible to lose. So it is located right where the new diet program is exactly this promise: "20 kilos decline in 3 weeks", "10 pounds in 5 days away," "2 dress sizes less in 14 days". With such results, the majority of its goal already achieved. Consequently, we are only 2-3 weeks of our desire weight away ...

Let's assume that our new diet promises us a weight loss of 1 kg per day. This weight loss may be from fat, water and muscle mass there.But only about the lost body fat, we can look. Water losses similar to the body after the end of the diet immediately from . A shrinkage of muscle mass makes us look slack and favors the Jojo-effect.

So how much fat loss may be at a weight of one kilogram of it be? To address this issue, we need a little math into play:Our body consumes, depending on the constitution and Activity Level 2000 kcal per day. In one kilogram of body fat, however, 7,000 kcal saved! So even with a zero, we will not diet kilogram a day to lose fat. To really to 7,000 kcal to come, we need additional 10 hours cycling.

So you see that in a drastic weight loss within a few days with not much body fat can be.

Why do some women have such perfect figure?
Some women can just eat what they want without putting on weight. It seems that they have never heard of love handles and even after having given birth, they recover their original figure within no time. Apparently, these cases exist. However, 99 % of all women are not that lucky. They have to fight for their figure. How do especially actresses manage to look perfect and maintain their TV-compatible bikini-figure? Believe us: Nowadays almost every perfect body is based on a concept. Only diets and eating only 50 % do not help. Almost every successful woman uses fat burner for figure management. In a completely natural way. Such as having put their make-up on before appearing on TV or taking advantage of laser treatment. The difference between them and most other women: Those know about the high efficiency of fat burners because their counsellors inform them how to achieve a stunning figure and how to maintain it.

Does Xenadrine have any side effects?
No side effects are known. Xenadrine EFX is 100 % natural and contains only biological ingredients.

What is Xenadrine EFX´effect?
Xenadrine stimulates the metabolism. In order to achieve this increased metabolism rate, the body needs calories which he takes from his fat deposits. On the condition that you do not eat more than before. A higher body temperature means a higher consumption of energy. Comparable to a higher temperature in your living room. The more you turn the heating up, the greater is the loss of temperature in your houses and the more you have to keep heating – which means the more energy you will use. Xenadrine makes use of this principle and increases the body temperature slightly. In order to reach and maintain this temperature, your metabolism must produce more heat. And heat means consumption of energy respectively calories. The principle is so easy, but you will be surprised about its effect.

Men`s Health

Posted In: . By Tomas Grinkof

To increase the potency drugs Viagra, Levitra and Sialis - this is the first thing that comes to mind when the conversation went on renewal of sexual relations. A huge amount of information about these products is represented today in the Internet and media. A lot of men every day rely on Viagra, Levitra and Sialis as a means to improve potency.

Today, many more men have been to seek solutions to the problems in the fight against erectile dysfunction and impotency discussed the issue without the former shyness. The vast majority of men who have difficulties in their sexual lives, are to overcome this problem.

Science has provided us with a wide range of tools to deal with problems in the sexual sphere, including the extreme form of erectile dysfunction - impotence. Everyone can choose a suitable drug Viagra, Levitra and Sialis and restore old sex.

If you believe the companies producing and specialists in the field of urology - Viagra, as well as sialis and Levitra have already helped more than 20 million men around the globe to regain full erection and the ability to live a full sexual life, regardless of the disease, resulting in erectile dysfunction. Cheap drugs are readily available, as in conventional pharmacies, and online pharmacies. However, before deciding to purchase drugs, or their generics (analog), is to consult with a specialist, and get information about side effects.

However, numerous studies confirmed that the drugs to enhance and restore potency does not have a negative impact on the body, men and completely removed from it. Viagra, Levitra and Sialis and manufactured in the form of tablets, which are taken about an hour before sex. The effect of admission is 30 minutes and lasts, depending on the product from 4 to 36 hours. Step Viagra, for example, takes about 4 hours.

Well-planned weight-loss goals can help you convert

your thoughts into action. Here's how to create successful weight-loss goals.

Weight-loss goals can mean the difference between success and failure. Well-planned weight-loss goals keep you focused and motivated. They provide a plan for change as you think about and transition into your healthy lifestyle.

But not all goals are helpful. Unrealistic and aggressive weight-loss goals — for example, losing 10 pounds each week or fitting into your high school jeans — undermine your efforts. They're difficult, if not impossible, to meet. And if your goals are beyond reach, you're more likely to feel frustrated and discouraged and leave your weight-loss plans by the wayside.

So how do you create weight-loss goals that will help, not hinder, your weight-loss efforts? These 10 tips can get you started.

  • Personalize your goals. Set goals that are within your capabilities and take into account your limitations. Also, take into account your personal fitness level, health concerns, available time and motivation. Tailoring your expectations to your personal situation helps you set achievable goals.
  • Aim for realistic weight-loss goals. Healthy weight loss occurs slowly and steadily. Aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. To do this, you need to burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than you consume each day through a low-calorie diet and regular exercise. Losing weight more rapidly usually means losing water weight or muscle tissue, rather than fat.
  • Focus on the process. Make your goals "process goals," such as exercising regularly, rather than "outcome goals," such as losing 50 pounds. Changing your process — your habits — is the key to weight loss. Make sure that your process goals are realistic, specific and measurable. For example, set out to walk for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
  • Think short term and long term. Short-term goals keep you engaged on a daily basis, but long-term goals motivate you over the long haul. Your short-term goals (for example, running 30 minutes every day) can become stepping stones to reaching long-term goals (running in a marathon).
  • Write it down. When planning your goals, write everything down and go through all the details. When and where will you do it? How will it fit into your schedule? What do you need to get started?
  • Pick a date. Timing is crucial, often making the difference between success and failure. Choose a definite start date and don't put that date off for anything. Be sure to account for life circumstances that might hamper your efforts, such as work or school demands or relationship problems. You may need to resolve some issues before starting.
  • Start small. It's helpful to plan a series of small goals that build on each other instead of one big, all-encompassing goal. Remember that you're in this for the long haul. Anything you undertake too intensely or too vigorously will quickly become uncomfortable and you're more likely to give it up.
  • Plan for setbacks. Setbacks are a natural part of behavior change. Everyone who successfully makes changes in his or her life has experienced setbacks. Identifying potential roadblocks and brainstorming specific strategies to overcome them can help you stay on course.
  • Evaluate your progress. Review your goals each week. Were you able to successfully meet your goals last week? Think about what worked and what didn't. Make plans for how you will reach your goals this week.
  • Reassess and adjust your goals as needed. Be willing to change your goals as you progress in your weight-loss plan. If you started small, you might be ready to take on larger challenges. Or, you might find that you need to adjust your goals to better fit your new lifestyle.

Bloomberg News

More than 70 weight loss pills sold in the U.S. as dietary supplements contain drugs that aren't disclosed on the labels and can harm consumers, regulators said, expanding an earlier list.

The products, sold under names including Imelda Fat Reducer, Powerful Slim, and 24 Hours Diet, may cause high blood pressure, seizures, heart attacks or strokes, the Food and Drug Administration said today in a statement. The products illegally contain drugs that must be sold by prescription, and in some cases the pills contain medicines that haven't been approved in the U.S., the FDA said.

Some products that claim to be "natural" or contain only herbal ingredients actually include a drug used for seizures or a solution used in chemical experiments that can cause cancer, according to the agency. The FDA is seeking to have the diet pills pulled off the market and may take additional steps, such as seizing them or pursuing criminal charges, according to the statement.


FDA Expands Warning to Consumers About Tainted Weight Loss Pills

List increases from 28 to 69 products; Agency seeking recalls

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expanding its nationwide alert to consumers about tainted weight loss pills that contain undeclared, active pharmaceutical ingredients. On December 22, 2008, FDA warned consumers not to purchase or consume 28 different products marketed for weight loss. Since that time, FDA analysis has identified 41 more tainted weight loss products that may put consumers’ health at risk.

The tainted weight loss products are:

Fatloss Slimming

2 Day Diet

3x Slimming Power

Japan Lingzhi 24 Hours Diet

5x Imelda Perfect Slimming

3 Day Diet

7 Day Herbal Slim

8 Factor Diet

7 Diet Day/Night Formula

999 Fitness Essence

Extrim Plus


Imelda Perfect Slim

Lida DaiDaihua

Miaozi Slim Capsules

Perfect Slim

Perfect Slim 5x

Phyto Shape

ProSlim Plus

Royal Slimming Formula

Slim 3 in 1

Slim Express 360





Zhen de Shou

Venom Hyperdrive 3.0


Slim Waistline

Slim Waist Formula

Slim Up


Slim Fast

2x Powerful Slimming

Slim Express 4 in 1

Reduce Weihgt

Super Fat Burner

Super Slimming

Sana Plus

Trim 2 Plus

Powerful Slim

Waist Strength Formula

Slimming Formula

Perfect Slim Up

Slim Burn

Slim 3 in 1 Slim Formula

Slim 3 in 1 M18 Royal Diet

Slim 3 in 1 Extra Slim Waist Formula

Slim 3 in 1 Extra Slim Formula

Natural Model

2 Day Diet Slim Advance

Miaozi MeiMiaoQianZiJiaoNang



JM Fat Reducer

Imelda Fat Reducer

7 Days Diet

Extrim Plus 24 Hour Reburn

Fasting Diet

Cosmo Slim

Body Slimming

Body Shaping

Body Creator


3 Days Fit

21 Double Slim

Eight Factor Diet

7 Diet

An FDA analysis found that the undeclared active pharmaceutical ingredients in some of these products include sibutramine (a controlled substance), rimonabant (a drug not approved for marketing in the United States), phenytoin (an anti-seizure medication), phenolphthalein (a solution used in chemical experiments and a suspected cancer causing agent) and bumetanide (a diuretic). Some of the amounts of active pharmaceutical ingredients far exceeded the FDA-recommended levels, putting consumers' health at risk.

These weight loss products, some of which are marketed as “dietary supplements,” are promoted and sold on various Web sites and in some retail stores. Some of the products claim to be “natural” or to contain only “herbal” ingredients, but actually contain potentially harmful ingredients not listed on the product labels or in promotional advertisements. These products have not been approved by the FDA, are illegal and may be potentially harmful to unsuspecting consumers.

The FDA advises consumers who have used any of these products to stop taking them and consult their healthcare professional immediately. The FDA encourages consumers to seek guidance from a healthcare professional before purchasing weight loss products.

“These tainted weight loss products pose a great risk to public health because they contain undeclared ingredients and, in some cases, contain prescription drugs in amounts that greatly exceed their maximum recommended dosages,” said Janet Woodcock, M.D., director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, FDA. “Consumers have no way of knowing that these products contain powerful drugs that could cause serious health consequences. Therefore FDA is taking this action to protect the health of the American public.”

The FDA has inspected a number of companies associated with the sale of these illegal products, and is currently seeking product recalls. Based on the FDA’s inspections and the companies’ inadequate responses to recall requests, the FDA may take additional enforcement steps, such as issuing warning letters or initiating seizures, injunctions, or criminal charges.

The health risks posed by these products can be serious; for example, sibutramine, which was found in many of the products, can cause high blood pressure, seizures, tachycardia (rapid heart beat), palpitations, heart attack or stroke. This drug can also interact with other medications that patients may be taking and increase their risk of adverse drug events. The safety of sibutramine has also not been established in pregnant and lactating women, or in children younger than 16 years of age.

Rimonabant, another ingredient found in these products, was evaluated, but not approved by the FDA for marketing in the United States. The drug, which is approved in Europe, has been associated with increased risk of depression and suicidal thoughts and has been linked to five deaths and 720 adverse reactions in Europe over the last two years.